As if life and business isn't crazy enough, I committed myself to building a new website in the middle of a season full of travel, tax prep, and behind the scenes work. Add in a splash of whatever plague du jour decided to visit my home. It has seriously been a rollercoaster winter, folks! will likely find this blog to be somewhat empty as I begin again. I chose just a few of my favorite or most useful posts from the last website. I'll be honest and say that while my posts may sometimes not be at the most regular intervals, when I do find the time to arrange the thoughts swirling around amidst the dozens of browsers open in my head, I hope what I have to share resonates with you, or is informative in some way.
Of course, I will share my favorites from sessions. And sometimes, I may just have to get something off my chest. I, like life, can be kind of random like that.